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Enamel Product A product to replicate natural fresh mud. This Dark brown enamel effect is ideally suited for creating muddy surfaces. It can be also mix with plaster to create volume. Apply with a brush or airbrush and then fade with a clean brush moist with Enamel Thinner. Just apply to your vehicle wheels, tracks …
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This dark green colored effect is perfect for creating fresh moss and slimy surfaces caused by dampness. Apply and fade with a clean brush moist with Enamel Thinner. Ships, boats, ports, wooden doors and many amphibious vehicles show this effect very particular due to the water and the humidity. Observe real pictures to use them …
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Grimey grey colored effect ideally suited for creating streaks of dirt over sand and light colored surfaces. Also suitable for other effects such as add chromatic richness to any piece or surface. Shake well before use. Apply your streak with a fine pointed brush in irregular vertical lines from upper parts on sides and let …